Good news! We have been given the go ahead from our governing bodies to carry out routine examinations, provided we are COVID-19 secure. Therefore, we are now open and offering appointments for all our usual services.

For the time being we will be operating with a ‘locked door’ policy. This means that in the first instance you will need to contact us, either by telephone or email, to request an appointment, regardless of whether it’s for an eye examination, new spectacles, a repair or to collect your contact lenses or new spectacles.

You can call us on either 01858 433577 or 07860 704188. Please leave a message and we will call you back as soon as we are able to. Alternatively, please email

The shop hours may be a little different for a while. At least until we get used to our new routines and duties with regard to cleaning down and sanitising our equipment and working environment. The health and safety of our customers is of paramount importance. So we have sourced new equipment and supplies to ensure that we are COVID-19 secure and are able to confidently carry out consultations whilst protecting both our staff and customers.

Measures we’ve introduced to keep you safe during coronavirus

We have extended our appointment times to reduce the number of people within the store at any one time. We have also installed appropriate signage to ensure people remain 2 meters apart from each other where possible. During the consultation our optometrist will be wearing the appropriate PPE, which includes a face mask, gloves and apron. PPE will be disposed of in accordance with the government guidelines.

All patients will be screened as they arrive for their appointment. This will include taking their temperature and answering a few questions to check they don’t have any flu like symptoms or have been in contact with anyone showing signs of COVID-19. In addition, each member of staff will be screened daily for symptoms including temperature checks.

Everyone entering the premises will also be asked to sanitise their hands and given a face mask to wear for the duration of their appointment. Should you need to try on any spectacle frames, these will be quarantined and sterilised using a UV system.

All of our equipment and surfaces including door handles, tables, chairs and work tops will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitised between each patient. And last but not least, all staff have been instructed to wash their hands regularly.

We want to reassure all of our customers that we have followed the current government guidance and have put everything in place to ensure that our store is completely COVID-19 secure. Since lockdown at the end of March, we’ve worked hard behind the scenes to refresh the store and redecorate. So whether you want to book an eye examination or need to purchase some new glasses, we’re ready to welcome you back.